My Offer.
Systemic Counseling
In case of personal, professional or family challenges, grave decisions or in change processes.
Systemic Therapy
For psychosomatic complaints, depressive moods, anxiety, sleep disorders or deep inner conflicts,
When old patterns take hold again and again... Recognizing, understanding and healing developmental trauma.
Deep Imagery (PTPP®)
A beautiful and profound method of self-experience and therapy with inner images (based on the findings of C.G. Jung). You can find more information on Deepimagery.net or on my website (in German).
I also offer group sessions for adults or pupils on demand.
Workshops on Emotional Competence
Knowing and understanding oneself and one's emotions well is essential to being able to regulate oneself. Emotional competence is the core competence for coping well with life's many challenges. The knowledge needed for this is basically quite simple and is imparted in this three-hour workshop.
Session Systemic Counseling - 90 € per hour
Session Therapy/Deep Imagery à 80 minutes - 120 €
Workshops for adults or pupils - on demand (depends on setting and number of participants)
Information & Appointments 0176 27 46 90 48 or book online
As I am currently employed full-time, I am currently offering monthly practice days: 4 Nov 23, 9 Dec 23, 20 Jan 24 and 17 Feb 24.
Note: All therapeutic offers are applied within the framework of the German Alternative Health Practitioners Act (Heilpraktikergesetz).
Coaching, Counseling, Moderation
Systemic Techniques (Individual Constellations, System Board, Genogramme)
New Work needs Inner Work (Bettina Rollow & Joana Breidenbach)
Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg)
Possibility Management (Clinton Callahan)
Sociocracy & Consentmoderation
Creation Lab (Juergen Bolz)
Therapeutic Approach
Systemic Therapy
Imaginative Therapy (E.S. Gallegos, Deep Imagery PTPP®)
Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma-Therapy (Franz Ruppert)
Participation in Workshops & Trainings
Annual Training in Nonviolent Communikation, Gewaltfrei gluecklich, Tatjana Wolf & Teresa Heidegger (ab 2022)
WS, Practical Guidance & Basic Course Sociokracy, OrganisMA, Sonja Maier
WS Agile Leadership I+II, Phil!omondo, Bjoern Schmitz
WS Nonviolent Communication, Sprechen von Mensch zu Mensch, Franziska Heurich
Training Ultimate Mind, Jesse Elder
WS Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma-Therapie, Franz Ruppert
Agile Coach, agil.bz
Scrum Master, agil.bz
New Work Expert, VfTC
Train the Trainer, VfTC
Moderation, DeLSt
Emotion Code, Bradley Nelson
Somatic Emotional Integration - Binding- and Body-Oriented Psychotherapy SEI®, Dami Charf
State Examination Alternative Practitioner for Psychotherapy, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie, Health Departement Goerlitz
Stressmanagement, MIFW Leipzig
Systemic Counseling, Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin
Deep Imagery Guide (PTPP®), International Institute for Vizualisation Research
Study of Sociology, Psychology & Ethnology M.A., Philipps-University Marburg
Carpentry Apprenticeship, Tischlerei Anton, Hunsrueck
Professional Experience
Agile Coach & Scrum Master at Mensch.Team (Technolovation GmbH)
Lecturer at Institut Sven Krieger (Exam Preparation Alternative Practitioner Psychotherapy)
Participation in project rueckenwind+ (Organizational- and Personell Development) Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Saxony
since 2013 own Practice for Counseling & Coaching, since 2017 also Psychotherapy (HPG)
Self-Employment Gastronomy
Leadership Betreuungsverein der Lebenshilfe im Rhein-Hunsrueck-Kreis gGmbH
Individual Psychosocial Care (Ambulatory Aids)
Media & Culture Work
Craft (Carpentry)
Social Commitment
Host IDG Hub Leipzig
Founding Member & Board Tiefenimagination e.V. (Association for Deep Imagery in German Speaking Countries)
One year of active participation in the Coordination Circle of Aktive Schule Leipzig (Sociocratic Organisation)
Formerly Board Freie Schule Leipzig e.V.
Formerly Board Muetterzentrum e.V. Leipzig
born in 1975
grown up in Rhineland-Palatinate
Mother of a Son (*2009)
Libra - Mental Projector - INFJ-A - 27/9
Finding good, actionable answers to the questions "How do we want to live (together)?" and "How do we want to work (together)?" are my personal drive and the core of my activity.
Already in an early age, I have been able to intuitively grasp connections, question circumstances and have been interested in interpersonal processes (Inner Work).
Through my training as a carpenter and during my studies, I have been intensively involved with the topic of work, which has not let go of me to this day (New Work).
I see myself as a lifelong learner and love to acquire knowledge - especially through self-experience from the inside out. I like people and find it a gift to share knowledge and accompany others on their path of self-development.
Furthermore, I love processes and structures and find it exciting to reflect, clarify and develop them.
True-Self-Empowerment is a concept for Inner Work that I developed and that is ideally suited to implement New Work.